Our childcare mirrors the fundamental principles for good early years practice as recommended by the Government:

The National Day Care Standards include government expectations for the quality of education and care provided. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) lists qualities in valuing, recognising and interacting with children.

The chief goal of the Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage is to help children make progress in their learning. They all highlight the responsibilities of the nursery practitioner. We use these guidelines as our starting base for Childcare & Education Philosophy.

Our aim is to support and develop your child emotionally, socially, intellectually, morally, and physically. We acknowledge and use the following:

  • Planned and spontaneous observations are undertaken by nursery staff to guide planning for each child and room.
  • Detailed profiles are kept for each child to ensure the needs of your child are identified and monitored
  • Play is the work of a pre-school child and for a child to reach their full potential we provide choices, time and opportunities.
  • Displays celebrate the children's achievements

We recognise each child brings their own special qualities and ability to the group and we value each child as a unique individual

Parents/carers and families are central to the well-being of the child and we strive to work in partnership, to enable us to meet the needs of your child.

Caring adults who support and encourage babies and children by tuning into their individual needs provide a positive stimulating environment. By sensitive adult interaction children are encouraged to develop skills, which equip them to progress through their journey of discovery.

Appropriate experiences and a range of activities are provided and evaluated which will enable your child to progress at their own rate.

Contact details


117 Rosendale Road
SE21 8HE

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Phone Number

020 8655 7888

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